Sublime Text 4 with packages, dependencies and license in Docker container with X11


Install and run Sublime Text 3 / 4 text editor with all the packages, dependencies and even license on multiple Linux machines having the same setup can be achieved by running the Sublime Text 4 editor in Docker container.

Clone this Sublime Text 4 with packages, dependencies and license in Docker container with X11 Git repository and build / run instructions following the instructions below.

Setup / Install Instructions

Git clone the repo

mkdir -p ~/git/ictoi/
cd ~/git/ictoi/
git clone

Copy your Sublime Text license key

----- BEGIN LICENSE -----
------ END LICENSE ------
sudo cp ~/path-to-your-license-key/License.sublime_license ~/git/ictoi/sublime-text-docker/sublime-text-3/Local/License.sublime_license

Build the container

cd ~/git/ictoi/sublime-text-docker/
sudo docker build --build-arg WORKSPACE_ARG=/home/ori/workspace/ --force-rm -t ictoi/sublime-text:4 .

Test run the container

sudo docker run --name sublime-text-4 -it --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e DISPLAY_WIDTH=1920 -e DISPLAY_HEIGHT=1080 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v ~/git/:/home/ori/workspace:Z -e WORKSPACE_ENV=/home/ori/workspace/ ictoi/sublime-text:4

Create a .bashrc short

  • echo alias to ~/.bash_aliases
echo -e "\nalias subl='sudo docker run --name sublime-text-4 -it --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e DISPLAY_WIDTH=1920 -e DISPLAY_HEIGHT=1080 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v ~/git/:/home/ori/workspace:Z -e WORKSPACE_ENV=/home/ori/workspace/ ictoi/sublime-text:4'" >> ~/.bash_aliases
  • reload ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Run Sublime Text 4 in the Docker container


Operations with the containers and images

sudo docker images -alist all even hidden images
sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -aqf "name=sublime*")stop docker container by sublime* name pattern
sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a -q)delete all stopped containers
sudo docker image rm $(sudo docker image ls --format="{{.ID}}" sublime-text)remove docker image by sublime-text name
sudo docker rmi -f $(sudo docker images -q)delete all / even hidden images
sudo docker system pruneremove all stopped containers, networks not used by at least one container, dangling images, dangling build cache
sudo docker cp sublime-text-4:/home/ori/.config/sublime-text-3 /tmp/sublime-text-3/copy config files from container to the host


  1. $HOME/workspace is the workspace you’d like to work with
  2. You can mount your own config if you already have one: -v $HOME/.config/sublime-text-3/:/home/ori/.config/sublime-text-3


  • For an error # 'Gtk: cannot open display: :0'
  • Set DISPLAY=your_host_ip:0 or run xhost + on your host following
  • Delete the xhost by xhost -


Sublime Text 4 with packages, dependencies and license in Docker container with X11 Sublime Text 4 with packages, dependencies and license in Docker container with X11 Sublime Text 4 with packages, dependencies and license in Docker container with X11

EnglishProfessionalSublime TextDockerX11Text EditorContainer

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