How to convert Apple iOS HEIC image format to JPG in a batch in terminal
Moving from Google Pixel on Android to Apple iPhone on iOS brought new challenges for the photos stored on the Google Photos cloud. The format of the iOS photos is HEIC being a perfect container format for storing individual images and image sequences, but with low out-of-the box system support. Imagine sending a HEIC photo to your automotive technician / mechanic still sitting on Windows 7 desktop. The obvious way is converting them from HEIC to JPEG in a batch.…
Resize all pictures in a folder and create animated WebP in Linux Bash with webp
Finally I found the holy grail. How dumb I have been trying to convert JPGs to WebM in my previous post Resize all pictures in a folder and create WebM video in Linux Bash with ffmpeg. Obviously the best solution is to convert the JPGs not to WebM, which is a video format and is not as easy to embed with Hugo, but to WebP. So here is the step-by-step guide how to resize all pictures in a folder and create animated WebP in Linux Bash with webp:…
Resize all pictures in a folder and create WebM video in Linux Bash with ffmpeg
Few days ago I wrote about how to Resize all pictures in a folder and create animated GIF in Linux Bash with ImageMagick. Checking the page speed with Google Lighthouse the speed score was terrible. So I followed the instructions and tried to do better. Here are the commands for creating WebP format rather than GIF. I am still not able to embed the WebP format in an easy way on this blog.…
Resize all pictures in a folder and create animated GIF in Linux Bash with ImageMagick
Install ImageMagic sudo apt install imagemagick Resize all JPG images starting with PXL in a downloads folder to 30% of its original size cd ~/downloads convert PXL*.jpg -resize 30% PXL.jpg Create a GIF of all JPG images starting with PXL in a folder convert -delay 100 -loop 0 PXL*.jpg wooden-house-construction.gif Sources ImageMagick Animation Basics